with These

These muscle Builders! ABDOMINAL BOARD

Prevent faulty posture, round shoulders, sloppy, slovenly walk and cramped internal organs.


With a Special Deluxe Abdominal Board, fully adjustable 5'6" long, 16" wide, rubber mounted, complete with the York Abdominal Course. PRICE F.O.B. YORK, PA., $19.50



The only exerciser made that positively

Used by wrestlers and body-builders

who are interested

in developing the

chest muscles to

the peak of perfec-

tion. Builds arms

will develop the crushing muscles

of the body.

and the shoulders splendidly. One of

the best values for the price. Comes

to you complete with a pair of grippers.



Do you need more weight? We can supply all sizes of plates including the 1-1/4, 2-1/2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 75 pound plates.

All priced at 16 cents per pound.


Adds to your appearance 100%. Helps you stand straighter when pressing. Improve all your lifts. 2-1/2" wide at buckle. 6-1/2" wide at back. It is made of genuine cowhide in a natural finish. Send your waist measurement when ordering. Price $8.95 (post-paid)





THE FAMOUS IRON SHOE STRENGTH BUILDER took the country by storm. Many users report phenomenal gains on the arms with its Send one-third payment with C.O.D. orders. use. Shipped F.O.B. York.


(F.O.B. York)


Heavy Steel Springs

Specially Priced to Strength and Health Readers


Course of Exercises Included


TEETH LIFTING Each One Custom Made


Do the fascinating lifts that build up neck and jaw strength. When ordering send piece of soft cardboard with teeth impression. Each one specially made. Complete with chain.







(Continued from page 55) ingly high percentage of the current crop of top aqua stars are teen-agers and some are even kids in age. Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of this is the fact that a number of these juvenile sensations are setting senior records in the grueling long distance events. It was inspiring to witness these youngsters predominating in a major tournament, like this year's Far Western Championships. Many of these youngsters, like Sylvia Ruuska of the Olympic team group, are being accelerated in their progress through the proper application of weight training exercise... Once again the gravest risk to the harmony of the Olympic Games comes not from the athletes or officials, but from the press. There's certain to be an invasion of "eager beaver" reporters craving incidents to ballyhoo. Usually the detractions they uncover are actually insignificent, but are magnified into almost catastrophic proportions. What an admirable service the press could render if they instead glorified the international good will resulting from the Olympic Games. DID YOU KNOW?-1957 National Intercollegiate Weight Lifting Championships will be held at the Southwestern Louisiana Institute at Lafayette, La. It was unanimously noted by the committee to eliminate physique contests from intercollegiate lifting Dino Bambakidis of the College of Modern Weight Lifting is upholding the high standards of the club. In addition to being, a capable heavyweight lifter, this young powerhouse is a straight A student at Akron University. Tony Levenderis and Jim Newman, both members of this hub of weight lifting in Ohio, are now teaching in the Akron school system Very likely few of the theatre goers witnessing the successful drama "Witness for the Prosecution" are aware of the physical culture background of Sam Kramer, a member of the cast. Turn the pages of the old Police Gazette or Macfadden's Physical Culture and you will come across impressive poses of Sam Kramer in his herculean prime. Kramer had muscular 18" upper arms when a girth of this size was a rarity. For years he was prominent as a stage athlete in the good old vaudeville days Karo Whitfield's new physique sensation is Jim Dugger. Should be a bright prospect for "Mr." honors next year. . Weight lifting put 18 lbs. of muscle on Dick Daugherty of the Los Angeles Rams. The former Univ. of Oregon ace found that the "iron pills" gave him increased. speed, plus greater power... Pete George has actually won more world championships than senior national honors in his distinguished weight lifting career. Will be striving to annex another Olympic crown at Melbourne Fredericksburg, Va., is the scene

of a physical fitness campaign since Rev. Carl Hempe recently located there as the pastor of the local Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Is a firm believer in the role of physical well-being going hand in hand with spiritual health . . . Next time there's an urge to explode just roll out the barbell set and start lifting. According to the latest. research it was found that physical exercise provides the best antidote to


counteract anger

Another recent

scientific aspect of physical training is the use of hypnosis. Forbes Carlile, Australia's famous swimming coach, successfully employed hypnosis to stimulate his top swimmers to record breaking performances Back at the 1915 Exposition at San Francisco. there was a weight lifting championship as a special feature. Was won by Noah Young of Los Angeles and Owen T. Carr placed as the runner-up. One of the many outstanding lifts was Al Karasick's muscle-out with a pair of 75 lb. dumbells. Karasick was only a middleweight at the time. In late years he has been in the foreground as the kingpin wrestling promoter of Hawaii.


(Continued from page 25) with the team to be in the water at all times except when moving from reef to reef in search of more fish. No aqua lungs or any other form of artificial breathing apparatus is allowed and no form of explosive gun to be used in spearing. Only certain kinds of edible fish were counted toward the team. total and no fish under two pounds would be included. Truly a test for men in good shape and we believe the hours the boys spent on breathing squats, various pullovers and other barbell exercises played an important part in the Bosco victory. All of the boys on our team are capable of free diving to depths of sixty feet and over and taking a fish before coming up.

Certainly the publicity our boys received in all the Florida newspapers did more than ever can be said to help the sport of weightlifting. Proving that they can win honors in other fields with the aid of a sensible weight training program, helps more than any other way to let the public realize the true value of barbells.


ROMANCE has entered the life of World's Strongest Man, Paul Anderson. His engagement to Miss Patricia Gail Taylor, 17-year-old Tallulah Falls High School senior, has recently been nounced. No date for the wedding has been set. This item demonstrates the truth of the old saying about BIG men liking SMALL gals, for we have heard that Miss Taylor weighs in at 105 pounds! LITTLE SAMSON got quite a play in the comic section of many newspapers when cartoonist Robert G. Baldwin his (Rupe) pictured kid character "Freddy" working out with a York Little Samson barbell set. Many readers sent us clippings asking how and why-and here's the inside information-Mr. Baldwin recently visited York and bought a Lil Samson outfit for his own youngster, the prototype of Freddy. Our sincere thanks. to "Rupe."

GEORGE GRIMEK recently spent a few days in York visiting his younger but bigger brother JCG, and was nearly "hanged" and thereby hangs this tale


If it hadn't been for George it is extremely unlikely that we would ever have had the Glow. You see George bought the Milo barbell that John used to build his mighty body. He used it for several years, and then his "kid brother" started to use it. George built a pretty fair physique, weighing about 175 lbs., but never got the size or shape that his younger brother got by doing the same exercises!

• DECEMBER, 1956

Way back in the 1920s, George Grimek's picture was published in one of Earle Liederman's books. He took up all the mail order courses offered in that period, and finally wound up with a barbell.

It is interesting to speculate on what might have happened to John Grimek if his brother had become interested in some other pastime-like ping-pong-instead of muscle-bulging. Probably JCG would not now be known as the greatest bodybuilder of all time but instead would be the New Jersey table tennis champion. Thus Fate deals the cards.

While here, John put George through some of his famous torture treatments, by hanging him upside down by his heels and then draping a fifty pound dumbell on his chin. This was supposed to straighten out George's wavering spinal column, and to grow new hair by causing all the blood in his body to rush to his head, thus fertilizing the roots of the hair follicles.

After three days of "hanging," George suddenly happened to think that the price of haircuts had just been raised and decided he had better rush back to New Jersey before things really got out of hand. Several of the prematurely bald Yorkers are now on the waiting list to be put in the Grimek Grower.

JOE PETERS, well-known lifter, meet promoter, and Police Captain in Schenectady, N. Y., dropped in to see us recently. Joe was featured in Strength & Health twenty years ago for his phenomenal chest development, being one of the first to acquire a fifty-inch measurement. He brought along his young son and a pal or two from home. We have a story coming up soon about Joe -watch for it.

LOU COLLETTA, friend of the teenage lifters in Easton, Pa., also stopped by the Iron Works recently. We ran an item about his team of lifting youngsters in the Boys Club Department several months ago, and as a result, his boys are having a contest by mail with a young team down in Trinidad on October 21st. They also have a contest scheduled with Penn State University Nov. 4th, in which a mixed team will be used-three teen-agers and four older lifters. This lifting by mail is a good idea for small clubs-and others might get a bang out of it too.

IKE "BETCHA" BERGER spoke too soon when he claimed last month that Vinci had beaten him for the LAST time. Since then, he ran into "stale" period, and Vinci lifted the same total (725) at Cleveland on Oct. 7th, and thus won by lighter bodyweight, and not satisfied with that, on the very next week-end in New York, Vinci really put the crusher on Ike thusly:



Press Snatch C&J Total 230 230 280 740 230 220 280 730

Berger made a new U. S. record in the snatch on an extra attempt with 235 lbs., but this didn't count in the contest.

The two lads are back training hard in the Gym now, and Vinci is really giving Berger the needle! They will take off for San Jose and the final Olympic Team Tryouts in a few days-and we will then know who really has it when the chips are down.

WIDE WIDE WORLD, the Dave Garroway show, recently pictured the preparations being made for 18 months at the South Pole by the Navy's Antarctic (Continued on page 58)

The only PENTHOUSE Club. in New York SKYTOP HEALTH CLUB, Inc. 46 stories above the heart of Manhattan 450 SEVENTH AVE. at 34TH ST. Personal instruction for Men and Women under supervision of RAY SWOBODA Telephone LO-4-5321 YORK PRODUCTS AVAILABLE


22-24 West Chelten Ave. Philadelphia 44, Pa. (Phone VI 4-9658) Body building, corrective exercise and reducing for men and women.



Body Building Weight Reducing Conditioning Personal Instruction 218 W. Charles St. Baltimore 23, Md.

40 W. Davenport, Detroit, Michi-


(Phone TEmple 1-2626)

If you live in Detroit and vicinity, you will save time and $$$$ by ordering equipment from George Yacos. York Big 12 Special....$43.50 York 7 in Set $21.50 York 10-pound Deluxe Barbell........................$23.50 York 160-pound Deluxe Barbell

..$31 50


New York City

19 W. 44th St.

(Near 5th Avenue) MUrray Hill 2-2395 Individual supervision weight-gaining... reducing ...body-building YARICK'S GYM 2114 MacArthur Blvd. Oakland, Calif.

YORK ATHLETIC CLUB "The South's Best-Equipped Gymnasium" All York Sets Available. Hi-Proteen Products. Sun Tan Lotion. Call Miami 78-2405 and ask for Arland Fisher.

ART GAY'S GYM 102-104 Broadway Rochester, N. Y.

AL BERGER'S GYM 1314 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa.

593 N. W. 62nd St. MIAMI, FLORIDA

Al Roy's Strength

& Health Studios 208 Oklahoma Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Ray Maddock's Long Island W.L. Club 611 Hicksville Road Bethpage, L. I., N. Y.


Business and professional men use this attractive, well equipped gymnasium to obtain physical improvement and keep fit. All members are in structed personally by this renowned physical training chamexpert and

pion athlete, Sigmund Klein. His internationally famous weight training gym is conveniently located at 717 Seventh Ave. (near West 48th Street) in New York City. Telephone-JUdson
